Apre colori e Sapori...ed ha i sapori del pane ed i colori dei nostri pannelli PVC

The all-female staff of the new "pizzapanificiogourmet" in Castano Primo, a town of 10,000 souls in the province of Milan, where starting today the citizens will wake up with an incredible new scent of freshly baked bread, pizzas with sourdough and ingredients of very high quality.

The bakery is called COLORI&SAPORI and it really couldn't boast of a better name.

Importance is given to bread, and it is done with a sober, industrial and functional, almost Victorian style, which recalls the interior of the mills of the end of the 19th century or the ancient Parisian bread shops, bringing to mind the crackling of coals and the of the great ovens of the past. A place where you immediately understand that everything is rigorously handmade.

In making the furnishings, the young owners decided to use our brick-effect 3D PVC panels to cover the main walls, obtaining a truly pleasant effect with a great visual impact.

These guys teach us that today there is no need for huge investments, a team of architects and complex projects to create a successful business, all you need is good ideas and a great desire to work.

2021AlimentariCucinaFaidateFoto di clientiProdottiPvc

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