Marco Del Grosso is on Corso di Avellino laying one of our wonderful Bauwerk floors, it is a cream fumè Cleverpark without bevel, we tried to create some satisfactory images but in real life this floor almost makes you cry, my advice is not to furnish the house, if you buy it, enjoy it like this... without furniture! it's beautiful .... really beautiful! The icing on the cake is Wakol's glue, we climb the Alps to Germany to bring you so much technology but we do it with pleasure because we demand only the best for our floors!
Cleverpark Fumè Crema Bauwerk in Pose....A true Photomodel!
Tags: 2021, Ambientazione, Avellino, Bauwerk, Cantieri, Cleverpark, Danilo, Marco del grosso, Maxilistoni, News pose, Posa, Prefinito, Wakol pu220