Spina in Teak e Natale...che bello!

Teak plug and Christmas... That's nice!

2022Alessandro Tiso
Bravo Danilo!
Spina Italiana Woodi posata da AXY (VIDEO)

Spina Italiana Woodi laid by AXY (VIDEO)

2022Alessandro Tiso
Our AXY also shot the video for us 😁
Listone HARO 4000 bianco Sabbia Markant

HARO Plank 4000 Sand White Markant

2022Alessandro Tiso
When a stock fills your home with style...
Anche un Laminato da 7,99€ può diventare un sogno realizzato!

Even a €7.99 Laminate can become a dream come true!

2022Alessandro Tiso
Who said laminate looks fake? 😁
Uno Studiopark Bauwerk a Rivisondoli

A Studiopark Bauwerk in Rivisondoli

2022Alessandro Tiso
Now it can even snow...
Abitazione privata in stile Industriale con parquet FIEMME 3000

Private house in industrial style with FIEMME 3000 parquet

2022Alessandro Tiso
You can find the entire Fiemme collection in our showrooms
Cleverpark Rovere Leggermente fumè Crema in villa privata

Cleverpark Oak Slightly smoked Cream in a private villa

2022Alessandro Tiso
We gave the beauty a name...CLEVERPARK.
Listone WILDEICHE piallato in Lucera.

WILDEICHE plank planed in Lucera.

2022Alessandro Tiso
Soon back on sale.
La nostra spina in Teak in una villa privata...A questo prezzo sembra impossibile!

Our teak plug in a private villa... At this price it seems impossible!

2022Alessandro Tiso
€54.99 per m2 including VAT...REALLY? 🤔
NOCE HARO a casa del nostro cliente...uno stile senza tempo.

HARO WALNUT at our client's home... a timeless style.

2022Alessandro Tiso
Haro is the largest manufacturer of sustainable parquet in Germany...
Siamo entrati in casa di un Architetto....CHE MERAVIGLIA!

We entered the house of an architect....WHAT WONDERFUL!

2022Alessandro Tiso
A riot of top-of-the-range products, from the doors of Barausse to the famous Affreschi&Affreschi
Scala rivestita con Wildeiche...😍

Staircase covered with Wildeiche...😍

2022Alessandro Tiso
When rustic meets modern and art explodes!