Un Cleverpark Crema B-Protect posato da Danilo....

Just looking at it doesn't make it... you have to pass your hand over the floor and realize that the Swiss are so precise that the parquet even seems smoothed on the spot, it doesn't have a single defect, not even an infinitesimally small space, the cuts are so precise that it really it is hard to think of a pre-finished, although the planks of this Cleverpark and Bauwerk with cream b-protect finish are decidedly large, we are talking about 10cm wide by over 1m long but the bevel in front of Bauwerk becomes just a distant memory. Just think that it was also a selection that should have had knots (a 15) but....either Danilo worked a miracle, or Bauwerk now gives us selections that go beyond expectations.

The type of varnish used makes the floor natural as if it had just been polished but with over 30 years ahead of it without any maintenance.....Danilo is currently grappling with the grouting of the baseboard, low squared and white lacquered. The client promised us photos of the furnished apartment, we all look forward to it.

By the way....we used the best of the best as the glue....Chimiver 327PU Two-component, solvent-free, ecological and class A+ polyurethane

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