Gazzotti Wengè...ecco perchè volevamo lo compraste!

Gazzotti Wengè... That's why we wanted you to buy it!

2023Alessandro Tiso
Still some stock available
Eternal Parquet presente alla Domotex

Eternal Parquet at Domotex

2023Alessandro Tiso
As usual we always place ourselves at the forefront of the most important fairs, the last one we participated in is the Domotex which took place in...
Eternal Parquet sbarca su commercio Virtuoso

Eternal Parquet lands on Virtuoso trade

2023Alessandro Tiso
Over 5000 references by the end of the year
Un Albero di Natale con 2023 listelli in legno Bauwerk

A Christmas tree with 2023 Bauwerk wooden strips

2022Alessandro Tiso
Come and see it up close and have a good coffee with us! ☺️
2023 Eternal Parquet sbarca in Worten

2023 Eternal Parquet lands in Worten

2023Alessandro Tiso
Europe...We're Coming
Eternal Parquet entra in BricoBravo

Eternal Parquet joins BricoBravo

2023Alessandro Tiso
A new year always starts with a bang!
Listone HARO 4000 bianco Sabbia Markant

HARO Plank 4000 Sand White Markant

2022Alessandro Tiso
When a stock fills your home with style...
Nuovi concept di Stile...arrivano i LAMELLI

New Style concepts...the LAMELLIs are coming

2022Alessandro Tiso
When style meets elegance, only wonderful things are born.
Seminario tecnico formativo sui sottofondi per parquet indetto da FEDERPARQUET

Technical training seminar on parquet substrates organized by FEDERPARQUET

2022Alessandro Tiso
30 November - book now
Tutti alzano i prezzi e noi li sbricioliamo - SPINA ITALIANA HARO a 19,90€

Everyone raises their prices and we crumble them - HARO ITALIAN SPINA at €19.90

2022Alessandro Tiso
When the wind of change blows, some build walls, others build windmills.
Abitazione privata in stile Industriale con parquet FIEMME 3000

Private house in industrial style with FIEMME 3000 parquet

2022Alessandro Tiso
You can find the entire Fiemme collection in our showrooms
La nostra spina in Teak in una villa privata...A questo prezzo sembra impossibile!

Our teak plug in a private villa... At this price it seems impossible!

2022Alessandro Tiso
€54.99 per m2 including VAT...REALLY? 🤔