4 HOTEL di Bruno Barbieri si Sposta a Malta e Vince...i pavimenti sono firmati Eternal Parquet.

4 HOTEL by Bruno Barbieri moves to Malta and wins... obviously the floors are signed Eternal Parquet.

2024Eternal Parquet
When it comes to luxury and comfort, one thing is certain: the environment plays a crucial role in creating the perfect experience. This is wh...
Metti una sera a Teatro....

Put an evening in the theater ....

2024Alessandro Tiso
Eternal Parquet is proud to support as OFFICIAL Sponsor the theatrical season in five evenings organized by the YGGDRASILL association at the mun...
Eternal Parquet integra TRUSTED SHOPS

Eternal Parquet integra TRUSTED SHOPS

2023Alessandro Tiso
From today your goods are insured up to € 2500
Seminario tecnico formativo sui sottofondi per parquet indetto da FEDERPARQUET

Technical training seminar on parquet substrates organized by FEDERPARQUET

2022Alessandro Tiso
30 November - book now
Si è concluso ieri 16 Settembre il Seminario Loba Wakol in Bologna

The Loba Wakol Seminar in Bologna ended yesterday 16 September

2022Alessandro Tiso
To always be in step with the times.