La Bellezza dell'Effetto Pietra: Un Capolavoro in Styrofoam

The Beauty of the Stone Effect: A Styrofoam Masterpiece

2023Alessandro Tiso
At less than € 35 per square meter
Spina italiana in rovere HARO, è bello....e costa poco!

Italian plug in HARO oak, it's beautiful....and it's cheap!

2022Alessandro Tiso
A new parquet laid by our talented Pasquale Sapio!
Un cliente ci sbalordisce con i nostri pannelli in PVC

A customer blows us away with our PVC panels

2021Alessandro Tiso's not a montage....he really did it!!!
Casetta in giardino con i nostri pannelli in PVC

Small house in the garden with our PVC panels

faidateAlessandro Tiso
Who does it himself.....
Apre colori e Sapori...ed ha i sapori del pane ed i colori dei nostri pannelli PVC

It opens up colors and flavours...and has the flavors of bread and the colors of our PVC panels

2021Alessandro Tiso
What's better than the smell of bread as soon as you wake up in the morning?
Un sogno al cioccolato!

A chocolate dream!

2021Alessandro Tiso
Parquet and chocolate.... what better delight? ci spiega come posare i battiscopa explains how to lay the skirting boards

2021Alessandro Tiso helps us to lay our skirting boards!
Il selfie di un cliente soddisfatto!

The selfie of a satisfied customer!

2021Alessandro Tiso
Cabreuva Massive incense oiled on site...our client shows us his beautiful home!
Come rinnovare le porte di casa...GRATIS!

How to renovate the doors of your house... for FREE!

2021Alessandro Tiso
We put Argile paints to the test!