La Bellezza dell'Effetto Pietra: Un Capolavoro in Styrofoam

The Beauty of the Stone Effect: A Styrofoam Masterpiece

2023Alessandro Tiso
At less than € 35 per square meter
La Trasformazione Estetica del Soffitto: Prima e Dopo la Posa di Pannelli in Polistirolo Decorativi

The Aesthetic Transformation of the Ceiling: Before and After the Installation of Decorative Polystyrene Panels

2023Alessandro Tiso
How to revive the ceiling with a few pennies...
Nuovi concept di Stile...arrivano i LAMELLI

New Style concepts...the LAMELLIs are coming

2022Alessandro Tiso
When style meets elegance, only wonderful things are born.
Siamo entrati in casa di un Architetto....CHE MERAVIGLIA!

We entered the house of an architect....WHAT WONDERFUL!

2022Alessandro Tiso
A riot of top-of-the-range products, from the doors of Barausse to the famous Affreschi&Affreschi