Quando le mani artigiane fanno piccoli miracoli...

When artisan hands perform small miracles...

foto di clientiAlessandro Tiso
Yes... it might be impossible to believe it... but this pre-finished teak costs €49.90 per sq m!
Quando le mani artigiane fanno piccoli miracoli...

When artisan hands perform small miracles...

foto di clientiAlessandro Tiso
Yes... it might be impossible to believe it... but this pre-finished teak costs €49.90 per sq m!
Acacia evaporata Piallata...quando il legno nostrano sfoggia tutta la sua bellezza

Planed evaporated acacia... when local wood shows off all its beauty

2020Alessandro Tiso
State of the art evaporated acacia!
Un nuovo collaboratore per un nuovo prodotto...e un grande collante CHIMIVER!

A new collaborator for a new product...and a great CHIMIVER glue!

2020Alessandro Tiso
New parquet, new collaborator and new glue.... images of a PERFECT construction site!
Come un SPC può cambiare l'aspetto delle proprie giornate

How an SPC can change the face of their day

2020Alessandro Tiso
SPC Tavar can change the taste of your days with the cost of a laminate.
Stiamo posando un nuovo parquet in Teak! - Eternal Parquet

We are laying a new Teak parquet!

2020Alessandro Tiso
Pasquale is grappling with a Teak lamparquet, unfortunately his phone takes one photo at a time.... and we have to settle 😁
Clemence Richard lascia davvero senza fiato! - Eternal Parquet

Clemence Richard really takes your breath away!

Clemence RichardAlessandro Tiso
Marco has completed another construction site....and what a floor!
Basta anche un laminato a dare nuova vita alla tu casa! - Eternal Parquet

Even a laminate is enough to give new life to your home!

2020Alessandro Tiso
photo of a laminate sent by one of our customers
Nuovo cantiere ultimato! - Eternal Parquet

New construction site completed!

posaAlessandro Tiso
New construction site completed.